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Worlds Old & New
Worlds Old & New

Worlds old and New reflect on the Americas, the United Kingdom, and Italy and France. In North America, most 19th century scholars had no interest in North American tattooing. Native North American tattooing was frequently associated with religious and magical practices as well as other various ceremonies. Tattooing was a rite of passage for these tribes the majority of the time and was popular among warriors. In South America, tattooing was often associated with religion. In art that contained images of priests, most had tattoos of some sort. In many old sculptures, tattoos were also incorporated. In the Mayan tribe, people tattooed their bodies because the more tattoos one had the more courageous and brave the person was since tattooing was extremely painful. England hopped on the trend during the 19th century and many credit the British Navy. Japanese tattoo artists tattooed the British Navy and gained popularity.Tattooing also gained royal sanction when the Prince of Wales got a tattoo. In France, tattooing took on a negative meaning, but tattooing was never completely outlawed in France but put many professionals out of business. French prison tattoo art is still a style of tattooing. Italy took the same stance on tattooing. In the USA, tattooing became somewhat patriotic. Many military workers got tattoos and tattooing was common amongst men. For women, tattooing was often common for women in the entertainment industry, not fancy movies more like freakshows. 

A tattooed French prisioner

Aya's Final Modern World History Project 2019.

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